Dual Citizenship: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  • Dual Citizenship
  • 2 min read

There are both good and bad sides to the increasing occurrence of dual citizenship. For example, most countries have access to travel rights more quickly because of dual citizenship. Still, if carefully considered, taxation and social security issues can only cause problems. It’s up to each country to decide what’s best for itself, so folks should look at both sides before deciding whether dual citizenship is good.

What is Dual Citizenship?

Dual nationality, often known as dual citizenship, occurs when a person has citizenship in two nations. Both automatically and through an application process are viable options. For instance, a kid born in the United States to parents from another country is usually considered a citizen by law. The majority of the time, the child is an American citizen and was born there. (Children born to foreign diplomats are an exception.) Similarly, a kid born abroad to American parents is also a citizen of the United States.

Additionally, they can be born citizens of the nation of their birth. That is subject to the nationality laws of that particular nation. A foreign individual who naturalizes as a United States citizen also has the chance to acquire dual citizenship.

The Advantages of Dual Citizenship

  1. Traveling
    Dual citizens may find it much simpler to travel internationally. Sometimes there is a safety or financial reason. Depending on their locations, some dual-national U.S. citizens opt to present their other passports. Depending on where your passport was issued, the line at the airport may occasionally be shorter.What advantages do U.S. passports have? Travelling to nations requiring visas and entering the U.S. from overseas? What benefits do E.U. passports offer? Entrance into the U.K. and the E.U. is simple. Additionally, several nations charge U.S. passport holders a reciprocity fee. But E.U. passport holders are excused, making it more cost-effective to travel to those nations with an E.U. passport.
  2. Property Ownership
    Possessing property in both countries is another advantage of dual citizenship. Some nations only allow their residents to own land. You would be entitled to purchase real estate in either—or both—of the two countries as a dual citizen. That may be especially helpful if you frequently move between the two nations because owning property may provide a more affordable means of maintaining two residences.
  3. Freedom to Work
    Dual nationals are not required to obtain employment authorization to work or conduct business in the two countries in which they reside. Additionally, gaining citizenship can open up opportunities for jobs that might not be available to foreign workers (ex., certain federal employment positions that only hire U.S. citizens).
  4. Cultural Education
    You will gain from fully engaging in the two nations’ cultures as a dual citizen. Dual citizenship is also favored by some government representatives, who see it as a means of enhancing the nation’s reputation as a top tourist destination. People with dual citizenship can study the histories of both countries, pick up two (or more) languages, and experience life differently.

The Disadvantages of Dual Citizenship

  1. Double TaxationTax obligations come along with citizenship. Dual citizens are subject to taxation in both nations, where they continue to hold citizenship. In addition to the country in which they reside, U.S. residents must pay taxes on all income earned worldwide. Income tax treaties between the United States and a few other nations help lower the tax rate on an individual’s earned income, easing concerns about double taxation. It would be best if you spoke with a tax expert who can provide the best guidance on managing your tax responsibilities. It is because tax regulations can be strict in any country.
  2. Dual ObligationsYou might have two sets of obligations because you are a dual citizen. Although the United States has a volunteer military, other nations could have compulsory laws. U.S. citizens are generally permitted to fulfil these criteria through foreign military duty without risking their citizenship. However, Americans who serve in other militaries occasionally risk losing their citizenship.
  3. Exemption from some forms of employmentThe disadvantages of dual citizenship can vary depending on your work choice. Dual citizenship may prevent you from obtaining the security clearance you need for this kind of employment. If you are looking for work with the U.S. government or your position requires access to material that the U.S. government considers classified. There may be fewer issues for persons born with dual citizenship than those who actively sought it out.

Many people who hold dual citizenship enjoy its benefits. However, it can cut these benefits regarding travel, taxes, and more. It’s essential to keep in mind the positives and negatives of dual citizenship before making any claims on another citizenship.