8 Questions To Ask An Investment Immigration Advisor

Investment immigration is a complex topic and can be confusing for many. It would be best if you got the right advice from the right advisor to achieve your goals. Every country has strict immigration rules and policies. If there are any changes to the existing immigration rules, the immigration officials will not be lenient […]

Countries Offering Citizenship by Investment

There are two well-known ways of acquiring citizenship of another country: i) being born in the country, or marriage to a citizen and naturalization, or ii) directly investing in the country’s economy. The rules and conditions set to fulfil this task differ in every country. Usually, long periods of stay and family ties are essential […]

How Much Investment is Needed to Get Portugal Citizenship?

Among the countries offering citizenship by investment, Portugal is very well known for its excellent residency by investment program, namely, Golden Visa. Being a member of the European Union has also made this country a desirable choice for foreign investors. Recently, Portugal’s citizenship’s five-year permanent residency requirement changed to a thirty-five-day stay. Citizenship applicants do […]

How Much Investment is Needed to Get Turkish Citizenship?

Turkey is a well-known Muslim country that offers a democratic, high-quality lifestyle with a thriving economy. This beautiful country enjoys one of the best climates all around the year with a fantastic and diverse nature. It is currently known as one of the largest and strongest economies in the world. Turkey has excellent health and […]

Top Citizenship by Investment Programmes 2021

Citizenship by Investment Programmes (CIPs) addresses acquiring a country’s citizenship through investment in the country’s industry, market, or government bonds. St. Kitts and Nevis, and Dominica were the only countries offering reasonable and legitimate options for CIPs by the start of the 21st century. Following their successful strategies, a few countries (predominantly Caribbean countries) also […]